
Our success is based upon people who uphold the company values though their dedication, hard work, knowledge, competence and strength of purpose and have taken in our standards of quality and service.

If you feel up to the challenge, this is where you will find our current job vacancies.

If there is no job for you among these at the moment but you feel that you are well suited to us, we look forward to receiving your speculative application.

We are happy to offer opportunities for students who have recently graduated university and would like to start their career in engineering.

And for those candidates entering the world of work who want to find out about our activities, we regularly offer placements.

Job Vacancies

We have the following vacancies:

  • Design Engineer
  • Simulation Robotic Engineer
  • Sequence and Controls Engineer
  • Process Planning Engineer
  • Layouts and Planning Engineer
  • Graduate Trainee Engineer

We look forward to your application. You will make it easier for us and yourselves if you follow some simple rules.

Your application should contain the following:

  • An individual application letter
  • A schedular curriculum vitae
  • Your certificates and work references